Making Gains a Way of Life
When people have success with a diet or exercise routine, the question almost always comes up as to whether or not they will “keep it off.”
This is an understandable question because many short term fixes and exercise shortcuts do not last. Personal trainers, however, are not a quick fix, or some miracle cure. Trainers use science, routine, dedication and encouragement to turn all muscle gains, and all weight loss into lifelong changes.
The Power of Habit
We are all creatures of habit in one way or another. Stop and think how many times you have found yourself doing something just because it is what you are used to doing. These habits become a part of your way of life, and when you skip one, something almost seems off. Of course this can be a bad thing, such as needless late night snacking. It can also be a good thing, such as brushing your teeth every night before going to bed. The same is true for the gym, training, and transforming yourself into a healthier, fitter you.
Hitting the Reset Button
Studies show that the best way to change or modify one habit is to replace it with another. Perhaps going to the gym is something you only do once a week on weekends, so when Saturday roles around, it’s as if you feel it in your bones: you need to go. The same yearning isn’t there Monday through Friday where maybe watching TV or some other ritual takes precedence. A personal trainer can design a workout plan and even assign specific days to jump start a new habit replacement. She or he can help establish a routine, encourage you and push you in the beginning to stick with it, and all of a sudden, one day it will become the new normal. A yearning in your bones. From there, the sky is the limit as your trainer helps you grow and evolve becoming stronger and healthier every day.