Posts Tagged ‘benefits of personal training’

Achieving Your Goals In a world where so many things are vying for our attention, and pocketbooks, it can seem a bit overwhelming to consider where our hard-earned cash should go. And while most people may agree a gym membership is a worthwhile investment, oftentimes a personal trainer is considered a luxury for the rich […]

Round and Round We Go! Circuit Training 101
If you’ve participated in a group exercise class at any gym in the past 5 years, it’s possible you did some type of circuit training. Circuit training is when you cycle through a series of different exercises (anywhere from 5 to 10) that strategically work different muscle groups, with no break in between. Sound fun? […]

Holiday Weight Be Gone! Fast Ways to Burn off the Calories
By now, the Christmas tree has been tossed to the curb, decorations are packed and back in the attic for another year, and even the last of the Christmas cookies has been polished off. What is the one thing from the holidays that is still sticking around? For some of us, it’s the additional body […]

Between remote learning, alternating schools days, less time with friends due to social distancing, and busy schedules of the fall, it’s easy for physical fitness to fall through the cracks. But it’s essential to remember that some kind of daily, physical activity greatly improves their mood, sleep and their health. Make sure your kids are […]

Expectations For A Personal Trainer
Some people don’t know what to expect with a personal trainer. Possibly they had bad experiences in the past with training, or possibly they tried training in groups or with friends before and were unhappy with the process and results. Working in a group or with friends is very different from having your own personal […]

Every spring we see magazines, TV, and social media talking about stars and influencers alike, all preparing for their summer bodies. Around the same time we start to think of ways in which we can tone up, become more firm, and get ready for that time of year when bikinis and board-shorts reign supreme. A […]

When people have success with a diet or exercise routine, the question almost always comes up as to whether or not they will “keep it off.” This is an understandable question because many short term fixes and exercise shortcuts do not last. Personal trainers, however, are not a quick fix, or some miracle cure. Trainers […]

How Much Does A Personal Trainer Cost?
Investing in Your Health and Vitality The cost of personal training can very for a number of reasons. Many factors contribute to the cost such as duration of the session, location, as well as whether the sessions are being bought in bulk, or one on one. The average cost for one-hour of personal trainer ranges […]