Articles in the ‘Gym Tips’ Category

The Importance of Drinking Enough Water
Drink more water! You’ve most likely heard it a million times that adults should be drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to maintain proper hydration. You’ve probably read up on infusing water with fruit (which has the added bonus of great flavor, vitamins and nutrients), pinned Pinterest recipes, and even purchased […]

Some days you have an extra hour in your schedule to wholeheartedly devote to working out. You can run an extra mile on the treadmill or pay closer attention to targeting your problem areas while lifting weights. Other days, you literally don’t have time to sit down and eat a proper meal, much less have […]

Just Do It: Why Athletes Should Get Massages
If you’ve ever had a really great massage, you will probably agree that there is nothing more enjoyable than a head-to-toe muscle relaxing, de-stressing session. While some of us think of a massage as a luxury, or part of self-care “if I have the time…” or “if I have the extra money…” then it’s time […]

You’re sitting in the midst of an afternoon work meeting and feel that familiar, tiny tap on your wrist. It’s your Apple watch reminding you to take 60 seconds to focus on breathing. How stressed out must I be that my watch is reminding me to be mindful of my breathing? Pretty smart, right?Although your […]

How to Self-Motivate When You’re Just too Lazy to Exercise
I’ll be the first to admit it. I’ve gone through seasons in my life where I just “didn’t feel” like exercising. I can distinctly remember periods where I just didn’t care enough to get my butt in gear and put in the work it takes to truly see change. In Wilmington, we generally have enough […]

Kaizen, A Mentality, & The Power of Incremental Improvement
In Japan a popular life philosophy that is utilized in everything from business to sports is the concept of Kaizen. The Japanese word translates to “a good change,” and the concept is very simple. The guiding principle of the philosophy is to take one small step every day towards a larger goal (even if that […]

Seize Power: Make A Gym Checklist
How can you not only meet your goals in the gym, but power through them? Brute strength can do a lot, but strength without discipline and focus will only get you so far. Create a checklist for yourself when you come to the gym. Reach out to your trainer and write one up together. Lean […]