Articles in the ‘Personal Training’ Category

Some people find the gym a bit overwhelming and more than once we’ve all seen people stare a machine and scratch their heads trying to figure out exactly how it works and what it does. Other times some people may find themselves using the traditional equipment, such as a bench press, or dumbbells, and not […]

Is Personal Training Right For Me?
Oftentimes people may wonder if a personal trainer is right for them. Someone may be unsure of all the benefits a person trainer brings to the table and be unsure if working with one would be a good fit. The best way to know is simply to try it. Try three months of personal training […]

Achieving Your Goals In a world where so many things are vying for our attention, and pocketbooks, it can seem a bit overwhelming to consider where our hard-earned cash should go. And while most people may agree a gym membership is a worthwhile investment, oftentimes a personal trainer is considered a luxury for the rich […]

Fall is here and school is in session! However, for the first time ever, students in New Hanover County are not in school (with except of private school) and practically everyone is adjusting to the new norm of remote learning. While we are all doing our best to make the most of current circumstances, the […]

You’ve made your fitness goals for the year; you’ve even hired a personal trainer, bought the latest and greatest protein powder and are ready to learn the ins and outs of MCT oil. So now what? Look down at your feet! Do you have properly fitting athletic shoes? Are they appropriate for your fitness regimen? […]

Eight hours a day, 5 days a week, you hunch over your keyboard and stare at a glowing computer screen, taking minimum breaks for coffee or lunch but let’s face it. You are ultimately tethered to your computer, and your body was never intended for this sedentary lifestyle. If you are in the 86th percentile […]

Personal Trainers: Schedule Your Time in the Gym
Some people seem to cram so much in a day, while others may find themselves always rushing to check off a short list with only a few items on it. How is it some people seem to have more time, while others seem to never have enough? We all know there are twenty-four hours in […]

Expectations For A Personal Trainer
Some people don’t know what to expect with a personal trainer. Possibly they had bad experiences in the past with training, or possibly they tried training in groups or with friends before and were unhappy with the process and results. Working in a group or with friends is very different from having your own personal […]

Every spring we see magazines, TV, and social media talking about stars and influencers alike, all preparing for their summer bodies. Around the same time we start to think of ways in which we can tone up, become more firm, and get ready for that time of year when bikinis and board-shorts reign supreme. A […]

It is easy to think that a personal trainer is just a luxury. Movie stars hire them to get in tip-top shape for some upcoming role in a new comic book movie. What’s the reality? A personal trainer is so much more. Personal trainers offer a very specialized skill set aimed at unlocking each of […]

When it comes to fitness there are a seemingly endless number of options and tools you can use to improve your life. Phone apps, online meal guides, fitness books, YouTube trainers, and old school fitness gods all offer their advice, and yet all the paths forward can still feel uncertain. This is where a certified […]

How Much Does A Personal Trainer Cost?
Investing in Your Health and Vitality The cost of personal training can very for a number of reasons. Many factors contribute to the cost such as duration of the session, location, as well as whether the sessions are being bought in bulk, or one on one. The average cost for one-hour of personal trainer ranges […]