Posts Tagged ‘personal training for women’
Trainers working with their clients! Getting better every session.
Getting Strong Quads and Shoulders!!
Dumbbell Thruster’s are a high intensity movement with low impact on the joints.

Strength Training for Bone Health
For those of you that are new to strength training, you may not be aware that your muscles aren’t the only things to reap the benefits of this type of training. Studies show that regularly lifting weights can help you build strong bones, which can protect against osteoporosis-related fractures in the future. Over an extended […]
Personal Training and Group Training
Working on some Complex Movements
Working on the box for a different style of push up. This is a real challenging body weight exercise.

We all fall into ruts and sometimes those ruts can last much longer than we ever hoped or intended. As disappointing as falling into a rut might be, the good news about health and fitness is that it’s never to late to make a change. Each day is a new opportunity to change the direction […]

Returning to the Gym Post Pregnancy
The time right after giving birth can be delicate for many reasons. New mothers not only share in the juggling of needs of the family’s latest arrival, but also must adjust to the ways in which their bodies will recuperate and change postpartum. Baby Steps Just as each new baby will learn to walk step […]

Anything worthwhile certainly takes time. As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day and the same will be true for the body or level of health and fitness you desire too. It’s understandable that sometimes we find ourselves feeling discouraged if things are taking too long, but so long as we keep the […]

Personal Training For Women in Wilmington NC
Your Unique Needs There are many unique considerations for women in the gym and a personal trainer can help address these perfectly. From height differences to general comfort these are real concerns and a certified personal trainer can plan and implement strategies to make the gym an exciting and rewarding experience. Some gym equipment tends […]