Posts Tagged ‘personal training for seniors’

Senior Training: Personal Training for Seniors in Wilmington NC
The Numerous Benefits for Seniors For seniors there are many considerations to take into mind when it comes to health and fitness. Studies show that only about twenty-five percent of those over the age of 65 exercise regularly, but many chronic conditions seniors face are actually linked to a lack of activity more so than […]

If you’re over the age of 65 and currently don’t have a regular workout plan, or if your current plan doesn’t include strength training, it’s time to make some changes! Strength training for older adults is incredibly important. It can help ward off age-related muscle loss, keep your bones healthy and strong, keep you active, […]

We all fall into ruts and sometimes those ruts can last much longer than we ever hoped or intended. As disappointing as falling into a rut might be, the good news about health and fitness is that it’s never to late to make a change. Each day is a new opportunity to change the direction […]

How Seniors Can Benefit from a Personal Trainer
As we age, health and fitness can easily fall from the top of our priorities. Certainly many things vie for our time and attention and getting to the gym can be difficult. Past injuries and pre-existing conditions can add to anyone’s hesitancy in going to the gym, but these are also the very reasons why […]

ACE® Senior Fitness Specialist: Training at Any Age
Never think the time for your physical fitness has passed you by. No matter how young or old anyone is, each day is an opportunity to start something new or build upon what was started yesterday. The starting line is now. That may look different for all of us. For seniors considering personal training, safety […]