Every Day I’m Brusselin’
This time of year you will notice that grocery stores and farmers markets here in North Carolina are packed with local root vegetables, pomegranates, sweet potatoes and that popular holiday staple: roasted Brussels sprouts. If the thought of trying another Brussels sprout gives you nightmarish flashbacks to childhood when you were forced to choke them down before leaving the dinner table, have no fear! You may be surprised at how delicious they actually can be when properly cooked and seasoned. The added bonus? They are really good for you!
If you’re looking for a filling, high-fiber, very low calorie and nutrient-dense vegetable, this should be your go-to in the fall and winter months. Brussels sprouts are packed with both vitamin C and vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting and bone health. They are a great source of antioxidants and can help protect against some types of cancer. Surprisingly, they are one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids (good news for those of you that aren’t a fan of salmon or sardines).
Ready to give them a try? Simply slice them in half, toss in extra virgin olive oil, season with fresh ground pepper and sea salt, and roast at 400 degrees for around 20 minutes. If you’re local to Wilmington, we recommend trying the slightly less healthy (but oh-so-delicious) version of Brussels sprouts from Fork ‘N’ Cork, tossed with pancetta and topped with fresh Parmesan. Hungry for more recipes that will get you excited for cooking local vegetables this winter? Let Matt Johnson help!