Planning for Threshold Breakthroughs
For those in pursuit of healthy living, breakthroughs come in many shapes and sizes. Diets and gym routines can be hard, but a personal trainer is there to help you strategize and maximize your efforts to produce the best results. While it is true you are only in competition with yourself, you should never feel you have to do it all by yourself. A trainer can be there for you every step of the way, including when you take steps backwards that slow your progress.
Getting Focused, Staying Focused
We all have bad days and we all fall off the wagon occasionally. This should never put you in the frame of mind that a life of health and fitness isn’t for you, and you should never be too hard on yourself or feel like you’ve failed the task at hand. When you suffer a setback, whether it’s a day of unhealthy eating, or a hectic work week full of missed gym sessions, simply make up your mind to acknowledge what happened as a part of being human, and rededicate yourself the following day or week to get back at it.
Remember, this is about creating a lifestyle that suits your desired goals. Lifestyles are only achieved through conditioning your habits. Changing habits takes time. So be gentle with yourself as you learn new habits!
Growth is a Direction
Fitness and health is all about growth. As any trainer can tell you, growth is a process. Growth is not about perfection, but rather about direction. We all have a difficult day here and there, but the great advantage you have when you work with a trainer is that you have someone in your corner, cheering you on.
Your trainer is there as your number one fan, wishing you success, but also talking with you and helping you choose the next steps as you grow and progress. In every sense of the word, your trainer is there to serve as a life coach to help give you the tools, techniques, and confidence to take charge of the direction of your life and be the captain of your own fate.