The Importance of Drinking Enough Water
Drink more water! You’ve most likely heard it a million times that adults should be drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to maintain proper hydration. You’ve probably read up on infusing water with fruit (which has the added bonus of great flavor, vitamins and nutrients), pinned Pinterest recipes, and even purchased a fancy, expensive water bottle—or three!—in hopes of reminding yourself to drink more often. So what is all the fuss about? How do we know if we are getting enough water and what really happens if we don’t?
What Water Does for the Body
Water is the most important essential nutrient we put in our bodies. It carries nutrients to all our cells and oxygen to the brain, all while allowing the body to absorb minerals, vitamins, amino acids and glucose. When you are properly hydrated, toxins and waste are flushed out of the system and your body temperature is correctly regulated.
Hydration and Working Out
Whether you are an athlete or a casual gym member, it’s important to stay hydrated before, during and after a rigorous workout. Water keeps your joints lubricated and helps you maintain energy. It can also help prevent fatigue, muscle cramping and dizziness.