Is Kelp the New Kale?
In our never-ending quest to eat healthier, nutrient-dense foods and be intentional about eating more green vegetables each day, the latest trending superfood for 2021 is here and it’s not what you might expect. It’s kelp! Yes, we have seen seaweed in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cuisine for thousands and thousands of years, and here in the United States most notably in sushi and miso soup.
Why We Love It
Kelp is incredibly high in antioxidants, like vitamin C, and minerals like manganese and zinc. These help lower stress, can improve heart health and are believed to (potentially) prevent chronic diseases like cancer. Kelp also absorbs a generous amount of minerals the sea. This means it’s concentrated in iodine, which is important for thyroid function and a healthy metabolism.
How to Eat It
If you’ve never really known what to do with dried seaweed snacks (or even been a fan of them for that matter) keep in mind that the most popular way to eat kelp is in its natural form. Look for kimichi made from kelp, kelp cubes (for smoothies), kelp pickles and even jerky. Asian markets and specialty health food markets (like Tidal Creek or Lovey’s here in Wilmington) may also have vegan broth and salsa made from kelp. Both are delicious and worth seeking out for a powerful punch of antioxidants, served alongside your main course at dinner.
Is kelp really here to replace our beloved kale? It’s doubtful, but you will find just as many amazing health benefits from incorporating it into your diet this year.