The Wonderful World of Infused Water
We’ve all been told we need 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy and hydrated. And while there are varying opinions on how much water you should actually be drinking every day, experts generally do recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. Staying properly hydrated is essential for kidney function, healthy skin, lubricated joints, regulating body temperature, flushing out waste, maintaining blood pressure and supporting the digestive system—the list goes on and on. Staying on top of your water intake benefits your body, complexion, metabolism and focus.
Since we all understand how vital water is to health, why do so many of us struggle with drinking enough? Well, for the majority of us, sipping plain water all day is just flat-out boring. The solution? Try infusing your water with fresh fruit and herbs. Let’s face it; the more you enjoy something, the more likely you are to keep it up.
Getting Started
Infusing your own water is incredibly easy. Start with a spill-proof container (water bottle, Mason jar or infusion pitcher) and fill with fresh, filtered water. Add sliced cucumber, lemons, limes, and your favorite fresh herbs. Berries, melons, fresh ginger, and mint are also good choices for add-ins. Infused water is best 2- 4 hours after you’ve made it, or let it infuse overnight in the refrigerator. (Keep in mind that some ingredients last longer than others. With fresh herbs, basil lasts 2- 3 days but rosemary can last up to a week.)
Increase Energy & Boost Your Immune System
For increased energy throughout the day, opt for a combination of vitamin C-packed oranges and tangy pomegranate seeds. If you’re hoping to boost your immune system, lemon and ginger make a great combination. Ginger has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. Because of this, it helps boost your overall immunity.
Interested in additional suggestions for delicious infused water? Contact Matt Johnson today for other helpful recipes.