Say Goodbye to Back Fat
It’s no secret that we all struggle with different problem areas, those areas on the body where stubborn fat seems to accumulate (thighs, waist, neck, back, etc.). Where we store body fat can vary depending on age, sex, hormone levels, genetics and lifestyle. Getting rid of that stubborn fat on any part of the body can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you have been targeting that area with specific exercise. Today we are focusing on back fat, one of the more perplexing areas to accumulate unwanted bulge.
Why Do I Have This?
Back fat is generally caused by a combination of atrophied back muscles (when they have lost their strength and muscle tone) and body fat related to your diet. A diet is high in sugar and salt can also lead to inflammation in the body, which can make back fat even more noticeable. But have no fear! You don’t have to live with the “muffin top” or the “bra bulge” forever. A few changes to your diet and workout routine can help shed those unwanted areas of fat.
Make it Go Away, Please!
Start with some resistance training with free weights, kettle bells, dumbbells, resistance bands or even your own body weight. Resistance training is ideal for improving muscle tone, strength, burning those calories and increasing stamina.
Another key component to burning unwanted fat is increasing the length and intensity of your cardio workout. Cardio raises your heart rate and body temperature to supply your body with more blood and oxygen. The calories you burn during an intense cardio workout come from fat and carbs. The good news? The more intense cardio, the more calories are burned.
For additional tips on shedding unwanted back fat, give personal trainer Matt Johnson a call to schedule a consolation.