Articles in the ‘Personal Training For Seniors’ Category

OK Boomer, This Fitness Program is for You!
With around 73 million people in the US today in the Baby Boomer generation, it’s fair to say a significant amount of healthcare and fitness attention should be paid to this older population. It’s essential to start developing a safe fitness routine in order to maintain muscle mass, bone density and independence. Of course, before […]

How Seniors Can Benefit from a Personal Trainer
As we age, health and fitness can easily fall from the top of our priorities. Certainly many things vie for our time and attention and getting to the gym can be difficult. Past injuries and pre-existing conditions can add to anyone’s hesitancy in going to the gym, but these are also the very reasons why […]

ACE® Senior Fitness Specialist: Training at Any Age
Never think the time for your physical fitness has passed you by. No matter how young or old anyone is, each day is an opportunity to start something new or build upon what was started yesterday. The starting line is now. That may look different for all of us. For seniors considering personal training, safety […]