The Power of the Pepper
If you’ve been tossing around the idea of starting a garden this spring to promote healthier eating habits, there’s one vegetable you really need to consider growing: the mighty bell pepper. Easy to grow (even in a container if you live in an apt), bell peppers have a lot going for them nutritionally. They are low in calories and are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, potassium, folic acid, and fiber. Plus, did I mention they are delicious?
All Hail the Royal Red
Bell peppers are available in a full palette of colors, but the red pepper is the sweetest and contains 11 times more cancer-fighting beta-carotene than its counterparts, which our bodies convert into Vitamin A to support skin health. They also contain powerful antioxidants that help combat free radicals that can lead to premature aging and disease. Another bonus? Just one cup of sliced red bell peppers gives you over 150% of your daily vitamin C content, making them an excellent way to stay healthy.
Improves Mood & Sleep
If you’re feeling down, increase your intake of B6, which coincidentally is naturally occurring in bell peppers of all colors. It can help your brain produce more serotonin which can help combat depression and stabilize your mood. In addition, B6 aids in the production of melatonin, which helps regulate your internal clock for more restful sleep.