What’s the Deal with Detoxing?
When you think of “detoxing,” what comes to mind? A body filled with dangerous toxins that can only be released through a specific diet or pricey supplement? The good news is, your body is already equipped with a highly-efficient detoxification system, thanks to the kidneys, liver, digestive system and lungs. Detox diets don’t do much more than what your body is achieving naturally. However, you can always make the most of your body’s system, ensuring these organs are healthy and doing their job. When working at full capacity, they can rid your body of heavy metals, processed food and chemicals.
Less Beer, More Water
So where do you begin? No one is going to like this answer, but a great place to start is by cutting back on drinking alcohol. Since alcohol is processed through the liver, drinking all the time can lead to scarring and fat buildup which makes it harder to filter waste (and toxins!). Instead, drink plenty of water, which helps transport waste and moves it right out on out of the body.
More Sleep, Less Sugar
Sleep is a wonderful thing and most of us don’t get enough of it. Aside from allowing your brain a chance to restore itself, it also gives you a chance to naturally remove toxic waste. Make sure you are getting at least 7-9 hours on a nightly basis. In addition, cutting back on refined sugar (like soda, candy and junk food) can lead to fatty liver, which ultimately makes it harder to filter toxins.
Interested in more tips on detoxing? Give personal trainer Matt Johnson a call today to help you live your best, healthiest life!