Hurry Up and Move!
Some days you have an extra hour in your schedule to wholeheartedly devote to working out. You can run an extra mile on the treadmill or pay closer attention to targeting your problem areas while lifting weights. Other days, you literally don’t have time to sit down and eat a proper meal, much less have the time to exercise. We get it! And on those days, instead of not exercising at all, try for a quick 10 minute calorie burn, just to keep your body moving and your heart pumping. These quick exercises can ensure you get the most out of the short burst of time you have available.
Bear Crawl
A great exercise for core control and breathing is the classic bear crawl. It strengthens the midsection, stabilizes the spine and increases core strength. Another bonus, it helps build and strengthen arms and shoulders. Start on all fours and lift your knees so they’re at a 90-degree angle, hovering an inch off the ground. Keep your back flat, your legs hip-width apart and your arms shoulder-width apart, then move one hand and the opposite foot forward an equal distance while staying low to the ground.
The Kettlebell Squat
Squats are one of the best ways to work your buttocks, quads and hamstrings. When you add a kettlebell to the routine, you increase resistance your body has to work against to stand back up, which gives your muscles more of a challenging workout. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, grip the sides of the kettlebell handle with both hands at chest height, and then bend at your knees into a big squat. Drop the bell all the way down to your heels and then return back to a standing position.