The Power of Habit
Habits are very powerful things. We see the dominance these routines have in almost every aspect of our lives. Anytime we go about a task on autopilot, we are practicing a habit. Growing up, many habits are helpful, such as when parents makes their children brush their teeth every night before going to bed. It is something that when done enough, it becomes second nature so when the children grow up, he or she continues the habit into adulthood, hopefully avoiding cavities along the way. The same is true for bad habits such as junk food, soda, or being a couch potato. These are things that if we fall into at a young age, we can struggle to break free from in adulthood. Habits are powerful and more than anything they can be sneaky. Sometimes we can be caught up in repeating a habit for years without realizing we’re stuck in some kind of vicious cycle.
The Power to Change
The good news about habits is that even though they are powerful, they’re also replaceable. Any bad habit can be replaced with a good one. Coming home from work, eating junk food and binge-watching too much TV can be replaced by a protein shake, and a trip to the gym. Your body and brain may put up a fight at first, but with the guidance, accountability and encouragement of a trainer, you can power through and establish a new routine. This new routine can in short order become a new habit and before long you will find yourself craving the gym on your way home instead of the drive through window. Once it becomes a habit, missing a workout would soon give you the same feeling you feel now if you try going to bed without brushing your teeth. Something will simply feel out of place. To be healthy and fit is to live with purpose and mindfulness, but it also has the benefit of transforming your life into a series of good habits that only further your growth and development.