Say Goodbye to Belly Bloat
Belly bloat and discomfort: it’s something we all deal with from time to time. Whether you have just finished a giant Thanksgiving dinner, are experiencing your monthly cycle or have an underlying medical condition, many of the symptoms can be managed with simple exercises.
Why is this happening?
First things first, why is this happening and what can be done to prevent it? If you aren’t experiencing an underlying health condition like irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease, bloating is often linked to diet. Trouble digesting fatty foods, sugar in certain foods, an overgrowth of gut bacteria, and excess gas buildup can all lead to bloating. One way to combat this is make sure you are eating probiotics like yogurt, kombucha, cottage cheese or sauerkraut to help maintain a proper balance of good bacteria. Improving digestive health can help prevent bloating before it begins.
Work it out!
Exercises that promote circulation and blood flow can also help rid you of this problem. Cardio activities like biking, walking and light jogging can all help with digestion and ease discomfort. One of the best ways to combat a painful swollen stomach is with yoga. The bridge pose stretches and stimulates your abdominal organs, while the puppy pose and downward dog both help to relax you and your stomach.
For a complete list of anti-bloat exercises, let Wilmington’s top personal trainer Matt Johnson help!