Top of the Muffin to You!
It’s summertime in Wilmington. Temps have been in the 80s since late May and extremely cropped tops, tight bodysuits and cheeky bikini bottoms are EVERYWHERE! If you aren’t working with a perfect beach body (which most people aren’t) the most problematic area of the body is about to be on full display in the summer months. Yes, we’re talking about the stubborn belly fat that accumulates in the midsection, otherwise known as the dreaded muffin top. And let’s face it: the only good kind of muffin top is the kind you find at a bakery. The muffin top is caused from either subcutaneous fat (soft, pinchable fat below the skin) or visceral fat (a deeper layer of fat that surrounds the abdominal organs). Although there are many contributing factors to the buildup of fat in this area (diet, stress, genetics, lack of sleep), there are several ways you can start tackling it ASAP.
Clean Up that Diet
Processed carbs and sugar are the biggest culprits for obesity in our country. Not surprising, these unhealthy fats and excessive calories end accumulating in the midsection. The solution? Start revamping your diet by eating clean: plenty of whole foods, fiber-filled fruit, vegetables and lean protein.
Start Doing HIIT
High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is a fast, efficient way get your heart rate up quickly and can help you burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time.Studies have shown that one of the added bonuses of HIIT is a higher metabolism, even after the workout is over. This means you can continue to burn calories, shifting your body’s metabolism toward using fat for energy instead of carbs.