Senior Training: Personal Training for Seniors in Wilmington NC
The Numerous Benefits for Seniors
For seniors there are many considerations to take into mind when it comes to health and fitness. Studies show that only about twenty-five percent of those over the age of 65 exercise regularly, but many chronic conditions seniors face are actually linked to a lack of activity more so than age. This makes a compelling case for seniors to seek ways to be active, fit and healthy. While exercise is important at any age, there are many unique benefits for those over 65 to institute and maintain a regular fitness routine. The biggest advantage is longevity. Studies show that even moderate exercise can add years to a person’s life. Additionally, it helps with quality of life, specifically helping to prevent damaging falls as exercise not only improves muscle strength, but also bone density. And cardio helps reduce the risk of stroke or heart disease. Perhaps the greatest benefit from exercising as a senior is the independence it provides. Increased mobility, strength and vitality are all key factors in helping someone over the age of 65 continue to live the kind life they want to lead.
Why Seniors Need a Personal Trainer
Perhaps the greatest concern for seniors when it comes to exercising is not wanting to be injured. And considering exercise related injury is possible for anyone regardless of age, it’s not something to be taken lightly. However, this is where a personal trainer can play a vital role for those looking to exercise in a safe and healthy way. For seniors in particular, with unique needs and concerns, a personal trainer can offer the expertise and guidance needed to not only ensure there are no injuries, but to oversee an exercise routine tailor-made to meet the specific needs of each and every client.