Bye, Flabby Arms! How to Tone for the Summer
As temps continue to rise and long sleeves are exchanged for tank tops and spaghetti straps, it’s common for physical insecurities to surface. We’ve all been there! Problem areas are easy to cover up (and basically ignore) in the cooler months, but there’s something about swimsuit season that has most of us in panic mode. This summer, don’t panic! Just make a plan.
Work Those Biceps
Starting small, with 3-5lb. handheld weights, you can begin your workout with a basic bicep curl. With your arms by your sides, hug your elbows to the side of your body, and then curl the weights up towards your shoulders. Don’t let your arms swing! Repeat this motion 10 times, with a total of 3 sets in your workout.
Triceps Time!
If you feel like you’re suffering from flabby arms (or the dreaded “bat wings”) then the triceps are what you want to focus on next. The most basic dumbbell exercise is called a tricep kickback. Holding weights in both hands, lean forward with your back flat. Pull your elbows in towards your sides and then pull them up towards the ceiling. Kick the weight towards the back of the room by moving the lower half of your arm back and up towards the ceiling. Hold for a second and then release back to the starting position. Just like with the bicep curl, you will want to repeat this 10 times, with a total of 3 sets in your workout.