Finding The Right Personal Trainer For You
The Right Fit
When deciding which trainer is the right fit for you, there are many things to take into consideration. First, you need to consider what your goals are. Whether you are training for a specific event or if you are training for general health and fitness, there will be an ideal trainer for you. Spending some time visiting with a perspective trainer is a great way to see their approach to exercising, including the trainer’s own personal history. If your goal is to bulk up, seek out a trainer who specializes in that kind of weight training. If your goal is to run a marathon, seek out a trainer with a passion or history in endurance training. Additionally, having a short conversation at the outset will give you an idea of how you will work with that person. Be open minded and consider that someone different from you may have the perfect perspective to approach your fitness goals from a new angle.
Communicate Openly and Regularly
Your relationship with your personal trainer is a relationship like any other and the key to all healthy relationships is communication. Not only is it necessary, but it should be regular and open. Never hesitate to be share questions or concerns with your trainer. Consider it less of a business arrangement and more of a partnership. Your trainer is there to work with you and ensure that the exercises you are doing are effective. Share your feelings about the types of exercises you are doing, including your comfort level. Also, having a routine that excites you is important. If you aren’t enjoying a particular circuit, communicate that to your trainer and especially if something hurts, even if you only think it hurts a little. Your trainer is there to plan an engaging exercise routine, but your health and well-being are your trainer’s number one priority. The trainer that is the right fit for you will be someone you feel you can truly team up with. They are there not only to plan and keep you accountable, they are also there to cheer you along the way.