If the Shoe Fits, Wear It!
You’ve made your fitness goals for the year; you’ve even hired a personal trainer, bought the latest and greatest protein powder and are ready to learn the ins and outs of MCT oil. So now what? Look down at your feet! Do you have properly fitting athletic shoes? Are they appropriate for your fitness regimen?
The first–and arguably most important–step of any fitness routine is to make sure your athletic shoes fit well and are appropriate for the task at hand. Just as you wouldn’t wear stilettos to play a game of basketball, nor should you wear a cross-training shoe when you are planning to run a marathon. If your fitness plan includes pounding the pavement on a daily basis, or kicking up some dust on the outdoor trails, you will need a great running shoe. Running shoes are specifically designed to protect your foot against constant contact with the ground. On the flip side, if your fitness plans include trips to the gym, lifting weights or a Pilates class, a cross-training shoe may be your best option.
Once you have selected the proper shoe, how can you tell if it fits correctly? You want a thumb’s width of space between your toe and the end of the shoe, and it should fit snugly around the middle of your foot and heel. Since athletic shoes play such a significant role in the way your body responds to a workout, you want to make sure you are setting yourself up for success with a good fit. Great athletic shoes often come with a hefty price tag, but are a worthy investment in your fitness plan. Visit an athletic shoe store with knowledgeable staff and a large selection, and you should be one step closer to making this year’s overall fitness goals an achievable reality.