Diet + Ab Workout = Ready for Swimsuit Season!
I’m sorry to say it, but you can’t get amazing abs just by altering your diet. And you can’t achieve a perfectly sculpted midsection by spending hours in the gym doing crunches, planks and cardio, only to follow it up with two cheeseburgers and a pizza. It’s true; great abs can be achieved in time for swimsuit season. You just need to put in a little work before you head to the beach!
Lose the Fat, Gain the Muscle
If it’s true what they say, that “great abs begin in the kitchen,” then make sure you are setting yourself up for success by making a few simple alterations to your diet. Eating plenty of lean protein is one of the best ways to lose fat and gain muscle. Opt for foods like quinoa, eggs, turkey sausage, peanut butter, beans and lean chicken. Snack on fresh fruit, whole grains, nuts or seeds. In a hurry? A protein shake is great to keep on hand for those busy days when there isn’t time for meal prepping. Cut out refined sugar and carbs, fried foods and—don’t me hate me for this—cut back on alcohol consumption.
Time for the Gym!
Exercises like planks and crunches help set the foundation for a strong core, which stabilizes your whole body. Planks are one of the best exercises for core conditioning, as they work your glutes and hamstrings, helping to improve posture and balance. Add resistance training to your routine to increase lean body weight, reduce fat mass, and boost your metabolism.
For more tips on improving your ab workout, let Wilmington’s top personal trainer Matt Johnson put together an achievable fitness plan for you this summer.