Posts Tagged ‘stronger’

Flipping Out Over the Tire Flip
By now, you’ve probably seen YouTube videos, outdoor boot camps, or even a local gym here in Wilmington where fitness lovers are flipping giant tires. Aside from the obvious, what makes someone want to try this? And what are the benefits? Let’s start from the beginning. The tire flip has been a popular choice of […]

Everybody Jump! Building Muscle with Plyometrics
When we were kids, jumping was a normal part of life. We were jumping rope, jumping on a trampoline or doing jumping jacks in gym class. We were doing plyometrics without even knowing it! Plyometrics, which is basically jump training, is a powerful aerobic exercise that helps increase your speed, endurance, and strength. A plyometric […]

Joining the Resistance Band Bandwagon
Over the past few months, many people experienced a dramatic change in their typical fitness routine, due to gym closings in Wilmington in response to COVID-19. As more people worked out from home in their garages, personal gyms (or on the living room floor!) one thing became apparent. Handheld weights, yoga balls and resistance bands […]