The Curse of the Double Chin
How many have experienced this? You grab your cell phone to take a quick photo only to have the front- facing camera pulled up, catching the most unflattering angle of yourself. What do you see? Oftentimes this is just a bad angle, and not a true representation of your face. But for others, it is a cruel reminder of this reality: the double chin! Also known as submental fat, a double chin occurs when a layer of fat forms below your chin. The truth is, it isn’t necessarily a sign of being overweight. Loss of skin elasticity from aging, genetics and posture can all play a part.
So what can be done to make it go away? First consult with your primary care physician. If the submental fat buildup is in direct correlation to a health issue, make sure you have this addressed first. If it is a matter of dieting, Wilmington personal trainer Matt Johnson can help formulate a nutrition plan to help you lose unwanted fat all over the body—including under the chin. Aside from opting for cosmetic procedures, there are exercises you can start doing today to help strengthen neck muscles and give more definition to the jawline.
Start by standing with your back straight and shoulders relaxed, and then tilt your head back looking straight at the ceiling. Keeping your head tilted back, close your lips into a kissing or whistling position. Make sure your lips are relaxed but held tight enough to feel it on both sides of your neck. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds and then repeat 10-15 times.
Another effective exercise it to try holding a ball under your chin. Start from a seated position and place a ball (anywhere from 5-10 inches in size) under your chin. Then use your chin to push down against the ball in a steady, firm motion, repeating 10-30 times.