Articles in the ‘Benefits of Personal Training’ Category

Midyear = Time to Reassess New Year’s Fitness Goals
Ahhhh yes! When the clock struck midnight into a fresh new year, and we looked at 2020 with child-like optimism and anticipation, many of us thought, “This is the year I will lose 20 pounds!” or maybe “This is the year I run my first marathon!” Well, 2020 may have thrown us a handful of […]

Diet + Ab Workout = Ready for Swimsuit Season!
I’m sorry to say it, but you can’t get amazing abs just by altering your diet. And you can’t achieve a perfectly sculpted midsection by spending hours in the gym doing crunches, planks and cardio, only to follow it up with two cheeseburgers and a pizza. It’s true; great abs can be achieved in time […]

Planning for Threshold Breakthroughs
For those in pursuit of healthy living, breakthroughs come in many shapes and sizes. Diets and gym routines can be hard, but a personal trainer is there to help you strategize and maximize your efforts to produce the best results. While it is true you are only in competition with yourself, you should never feel […]

Sometimes the biggest obstacle standing in between us and our fitness goals isn’t an overloaded work schedule or past injury. Sometimes the obstacle standing in our way is the thought that the level of fitness we’ve always wanted, the optimal health and wellness we desire so deeply, just isn’t for us. These thoughts can snowball […]

Your Greatest Asset in the Gym
If someone were to ask you what your greatest asset was in the gym, what would be your reply? Would you list the time you go in or the type of equipment they have? Maybe you would cite cleanliness of the gym itself or the overall vibe of the people who work and train there. […]

When it comes to health and fitness, accountability is key. “Showing up to the gym is half the battle,” they say. This is especially true for those of us with busy lives, packed schedules, and little spare time. Who hasn’t come home at the end of a long day’s work and wanted nothing more than […]