Articles in the ‘Our Services’ Category

Senior Training: Personal Training for Seniors in Wilmington NC
The Numerous Benefits for Seniors For seniors there are many considerations to take into mind when it comes to health and fitness. Studies show that only about twenty-five percent of those over the age of 65 exercise regularly, but many chronic conditions seniors face are actually linked to a lack of activity more so than […]

Group HIIT Training in Wilmington NC
The Transformative Power of HIIT Training In recent years high intensity interval training, or HIIT, has been growing in popularity as the exercise routine of choice for those looking to maximize their efforts in the gym. While the name may make you think of any number of exercises that make you sweat and get your […]

Summertime Exercise with the Kids
Oh, the midsummer slump! For the first time ever, kids have been home from school since March (due to COVID-19) and most likely are either restless or completely bored. Summer break can be a much-needed change of pace for most, but for others it can become boring and an excuse to laze around the house […]

Personal Training For Women in Wilmington NC
Your Unique Needs There are many unique considerations for women in the gym and a personal trainer can help address these perfectly. From height differences to general comfort these are real concerns and a certified personal trainer can plan and implement strategies to make the gym an exciting and rewarding experience. Some gym equipment tends […]

One-on-One Personal Training in Wilmington NC
Undivided Attention With Wilmington’s proximity to the ocean there are plenty of good reasons to always be beach body ready. But with so many distractions for our time in today’s busy world getting to the gym as much as we would like can definitely be a struggle. If showing up to the gym is half […]