Posts Tagged ‘high intensity exercise’

Group HIIT Training in Wilmington NC
The Transformative Power of HIIT Training In recent years high intensity interval training, or HIIT, has been growing in popularity as the exercise routine of choice for those looking to maximize their efforts in the gym. While the name may make you think of any number of exercises that make you sweat and get your […]

In a never-ending sea of sophisticated gym equipment, smart bikes and computerized home workout options, there’s one thing we tend to overlook: the transformative power of a good old-fashioned high- intensity interval training cardio workout (HIIT). If you have yet to try it for yourself, now is the time! They are fast, efficient, get your […]

Fitness + Mental Health: Tackling the Tough Times with Self-Care and Exercise
Do we even have to say it? The state of mental health in our country today is NOT the best. Between unemployment and sickness, COVID-19 restrictions, the current political climate–and the steadily rising number of deaths due to the pandemic—it’s enough to make anyone feel depressed. That being said, it’s now more important than ever […]

Holiday Weight Be Gone! Fast Ways to Burn off the Calories
By now, the Christmas tree has been tossed to the curb, decorations are packed and back in the attic for another year, and even the last of the Christmas cookies has been polished off. What is the one thing from the holidays that is still sticking around? For some of us, it’s the additional body […]