Posts Tagged ‘cardio’

Some people find the gym a bit overwhelming and more than once we’ve all seen people stare a machine and scratch their heads trying to figure out exactly how it works and what it does. Other times some people may find themselves using the traditional equipment, such as a bench press, or dumbbells, and not […]

Flipping Out Over the Tire Flip
By now, you’ve probably seen YouTube videos, outdoor boot camps, or even a local gym here in Wilmington where fitness lovers are flipping giant tires. Aside from the obvious, what makes someone want to try this? And what are the benefits? Let’s start from the beginning. The tire flip has been a popular choice of […]

Some days you have an extra hour in your schedule to wholeheartedly devote to working out. You can run an extra mile on the treadmill or pay closer attention to targeting your problem areas while lifting weights. Other days, you literally don’t have time to sit down and eat a proper meal, much less have […]

One of the most commonly asked questions from our clients is, “Why am I not losing weight if I’m doing everything right?” For some people, losing weight is just effortless. It’s annoying, but a few tweaks to the diet and a regular jog on the treadmill can be enough to significantly tip the scale for […]

It’s no secret that we all struggle with different problem areas, those areas on the body where stubborn fat seems to accumulate (thighs, waist, neck, back, etc.). Where we store body fat can vary depending on age, sex, hormone levels, genetics and lifestyle. Getting rid of that stubborn fat on any part of the body […]

Why Swimming is the Perfect Summer Activity
It’s true. Summertime in the Wilmington area is pretty synonymous with one thing: swimming! When temps soar into the high 90s (and feel like triple digits) the only thing that sounds appealing about being outdoors is to completely submerge in cool water. Whether you prefer the ocean, lake or swimming pool, do yourself a favor […]

Belly bloat and discomfort: it’s something we all deal with from time to time. Whether you have just finished a giant Thanksgiving dinner, are experiencing your monthly cycle or have an underlying medical condition, many of the symptoms can be managed with simple exercises. Why is this happening? First things first, why is this happening […]

It’s Getting Hot in Here! The Benefits of Hot Yoga
If you’ve lived through a hot and sticky mid-July day in coastal Carolina, you are more than familiar with intense heat. With temps soaring into the high 90s last summer (and heat indexes in the triple digits) we all sought ways to cool off: a quick dip in the ocean, relaxing on a pool float […]

How Seniors Can Benefit from a Personal Trainer
As we age, health and fitness can easily fall from the top of our priorities. Certainly many things vie for our time and attention and getting to the gym can be difficult. Past injuries and pre-existing conditions can add to anyone’s hesitancy in going to the gym, but these are also the very reasons why […]