Posts Tagged ‘diet’
Busy day in Matt Johnson Training.
Working out with a friend is always more enjoyable.
Seated rope lat pulldowns
Working on the core. Taking a plank and adding some difficulty to it.

Working on perfecting a push up from the modified version.

Intermittent Fasting with the 5:2 Diet Plan
Since the Middle Ages, fasting has been revered as a distinguished tradition (both religiously and culturally), bringing physical and spiritual renewal. More recently, it has become one of the trendiest Hollywood diets, taking even the fitness community by storm. Intermittent Fasting (IF) involves alternating segments of extreme calorie reduction with periods of normal eating. It […]

Feeling the Flax: Adding Flaxseed to Your Diet
For the past decade it’s been almost impossible to avoid hearing about flaxseed. You’ve probably seen it mixed in with good-quality granola, as a topping for fruit or added into a smoothie. So what’s the deal with flaxseed? How can something so tiny be so jam-packed with nutrients? Flaxseed, which has been used for its […]

The Importance of Maintaining a Heart-Healthy Diet
The truth is, when you’re a teenager you feel like you’re going to live forever. In your 20s and 30s, life is oftentimes focused on starting a career, falling in love and starting a family. But by the time you reach middle age something happens. You realize that you aren’t invincible and health and longevity […]

Kick Start Your Day with a Healthy Breakfast
There’s no real denying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It allows you to break your fast following 8 hours of sleep, which helps your body replenish glucose. This helps to boost your energy levels and while also providing other nutrients required for good health. It also jumpstarts your metabolism, helping […]

The Surprising Health Benefits of the Mighty Peach
You can’t turn on the radio right now without hearing Justin Bieber sing about it and if you’re from the state of Georgia, you know the significance of it. And where are my ‘90s kids? Even the Presidents of the United States of America devoted an entire song to it back in the day. We’re […]

3 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Cholesterol
You’ve just gotten blood work results back and—to your surprise—your cholesterol level is abnormally high. How could this be? You’re relatively active and eat somewhat healthy, so what gives? Cholesterol is a naturally occurring waxy substance that the body uses to build cells and make vitamins and substances that help you digest food. Fundamentally, there […]