Posts Tagged ‘expertise’
Sometimes the biggest obstacle standing in between us and our fitness goals isn’t an overloaded work schedule or past injury. Sometimes the obstacle standing in our way is the thought that the level of fitness we’ve always wanted, the optimal health and wellness we desire so deeply, just isn’t for us. These thoughts can snowball […]
Your Greatest Asset in the Gym
If someone were to ask you what your greatest asset was in the gym, what would be your reply? Would you list the time you go in or the type of equipment they have? Maybe you would cite cleanliness of the gym itself or the overall vibe of the people who work and train there. […]
Our bodies are incredibly complex, durable, ever-changing machines. As we age our bodies change. This is a truth seen from the youngest of us to the oldest. We evolve through different stages in our lives and the strengths and abilities of our body change along with those stages. With those changes, invariably comes the occasional […]
Seize Power: Make A Gym Checklist
How can you not only meet your goals in the gym, but power through them? Brute strength can do a lot, but strength without discipline and focus will only get you so far. Create a checklist for yourself when you come to the gym. Reach out to your trainer and write one up together. Lean […]