Posts Tagged ‘fitness plan’

Staying Active in the Great Outdoors
In the midst of spring in a coastal town like Wilmington, we are never short on outdoor activities, making it easy to focus on physical fitness. Indoor exercise facilities like gyms and Pilates studios are always an excellent year-round option since they aren’t weather dependent, but what about when the weather is too nice outside […]

Eight hours a day, 5 days a week, you hunch over your keyboard and stare at a glowing computer screen, taking minimum breaks for coffee or lunch but let’s face it. You are ultimately tethered to your computer, and your body was never intended for this sedentary lifestyle. If you are in the 86th percentile […]

Returning to the Gym Post Pregnancy
The time right after giving birth can be delicate for many reasons. New mothers not only share in the juggling of needs of the family’s latest arrival, but also must adjust to the ways in which their bodies will recuperate and change postpartum. Baby Steps Just as each new baby will learn to walk step […]

Sometimes the biggest obstacle standing in between us and our fitness goals isn’t an overloaded work schedule or past injury. Sometimes the obstacle standing in our way is the thought that the level of fitness we’ve always wanted, the optimal health and wellness we desire so deeply, just isn’t for us. These thoughts can snowball […]

ACE® Senior Fitness Specialist: Training at Any Age
Never think the time for your physical fitness has passed you by. No matter how young or old anyone is, each day is an opportunity to start something new or build upon what was started yesterday. The starting line is now. That may look different for all of us. For seniors considering personal training, safety […]

So often when it comes to gym culture there are people who brag about spending upwards of three to four hours in the gym at a time, multiple times a week. Guess what? You don’t even have to spend a full hour in the gym to get a seriously effective workout. The implication that endless […]