Posts Tagged ‘Personal growth’

You’ve seen them in the gym for years, but if you’ve never stopped to grab those giant ropes and see what you’re made of, now is the time to add this workout to your routine. Not only does it look impressive, but it’s an incredibly effective full body workout. It helps increase core strength, provides […]

Setting Achievable Fitness Goals: Running Two Miles a Day
If the last time you purposely ran laps was in high school gym class, or if you make the joke, “I only run when I’m being chased!” then it’s fair to say you’ve never thought twice about running as part of your fitness routine. But before you roll your eyes, consider this: running a short […]

Everybody Jump! Building Muscle with Plyometrics
When we were kids, jumping was a normal part of life. We were jumping rope, jumping on a trampoline or doing jumping jacks in gym class. We were doing plyometrics without even knowing it! Plyometrics, which is basically jump training, is a powerful aerobic exercise that helps increase your speed, endurance, and strength. A plyometric […]

Fitness + Mental Health: Tackling the Tough Times with Self-Care and Exercise
Do we even have to say it? The state of mental health in our country today is NOT the best. Between unemployment and sickness, COVID-19 restrictions, the current political climate–and the steadily rising number of deaths due to the pandemic—it’s enough to make anyone feel depressed. That being said, it’s now more important than ever […]

The Truth About Tabata Training
We’ve talked a lot recently about high-intensity interval training (or HIIT), an incredibly effective way of burning fat and building muscle in a short amount of time. One of the most popular forms of HIIT is Tabata, a 4-minute workout routine where you perform eight rounds of a specific activity as hard and fast as […]

How many have experienced this? You grab your cell phone to take a quick photo only to have the front- facing camera pulled up, catching the most unflattering angle of yourself. What do you see? Oftentimes this is just a bad angle, and not a true representation of your face. But for others, it is […]

Midyear = Time to Reassess New Year’s Fitness Goals
Ahhhh yes! When the clock struck midnight into a fresh new year, and we looked at 2020 with child-like optimism and anticipation, many of us thought, “This is the year I will lose 20 pounds!” or maybe “This is the year I run my first marathon!” Well, 2020 may have thrown us a handful of […]

Habits are very powerful things. We see the dominance these routines have in almost every aspect of our lives. Anytime we go about a task on autopilot, we are practicing a habit. Growing up, many habits are helpful, such as when parents makes their children brush their teeth every night before going to bed. It […]

Expectations For A Personal Trainer
Some people don’t know what to expect with a personal trainer. Possibly they had bad experiences in the past with training, or possibly they tried training in groups or with friends before and were unhappy with the process and results. Working in a group or with friends is very different from having your own personal […]

Planning for Threshold Breakthroughs
For those in pursuit of healthy living, breakthroughs come in many shapes and sizes. Diets and gym routines can be hard, but a personal trainer is there to help you strategize and maximize your efforts to produce the best results. While it is true you are only in competition with yourself, you should never feel […]

Anything worthwhile certainly takes time. As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day and the same will be true for the body or level of health and fitness you desire too. It’s understandable that sometimes we find ourselves feeling discouraged if things are taking too long, but so long as we keep the […]

The Cost of Not Having a Trainer
It seems like everyone wants a trainer, but most people feel like they can’t afford a trainer. Hiring a trainer can seem like a great idea “one day”. Well, get ready. We’re here to flip the script. You can afford a trainer. What’s more? You can’t afford to not have a trainer! If you go […]