Posts Tagged ‘fitness plan’
Busy day in Matt Johnson Training.
Stability training for the lower body. Great exercise to use to help strengthen the Glute Medius and Hip Abductor muscles.
Working out with a friend is always more enjoyable.
Seated rope lat pulldowns
Working on the core. Taking a plank and adding some difficulty to it.

Simple Exercises to Help You Lose Belly Fat
For some of us, the fall and winter months are a welcomed time of year, where we can layer up clothing and completely ignore what is going on beneath. Didn’t achieve the flat stomach you wanted over the summer? No problem–just cover it up with a sweater! Although there is some truth to that, we […]

The Importance of Drinking Enough Water
Drink more water! You’ve most likely heard it a million times that adults should be drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to maintain proper hydration. You’ve probably read up on infusing water with fruit (which has the added bonus of great flavor, vitamins and nutrients), pinned Pinterest recipes, and even purchased […]

In a never-ending sea of sophisticated gym equipment, smart bikes and computerized home workout options, there’s one thing we tend to overlook: the transformative power of a good old-fashioned high- intensity interval training cardio workout (HIIT). If you have yet to try it for yourself, now is the time! They are fast, efficient, get your […]

Nutrition: The Most Important Part of Fitness
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been told: you are what you eat. Of course, this basically means that in order to be fit and healthy, you need whole fruits, vegetables, healthy carbs and lean protein to properly fuel your body. Nutrients from the food we eat provide the structure and function […]

Finding Your Zen with Beachside Yoga
When you’ve lived in Wilmington for several years, sometimes it’s easy to get so caught up in daily life (work, gym, dinner, repeat) that you begin to lose sight of the biggest asset our area has to offer: the beach! Of course we all flock to the beach in the sweltering summer months but even […]

Setting Achievable Fitness Goals: Running Two Miles a Day
If the last time you purposely ran laps was in high school gym class, or if you make the joke, “I only run when I’m being chased!” then it’s fair to say you’ve never thought twice about running as part of your fitness routine. But before you roll your eyes, consider this: running a short […]

Staying Active at the Beach this Summer
You don’t have to tell me twice! When the weather creeps into the 80s this time of year, there is only one place you will find me: soaking in the sun at Wrightsville Beach. Gyms and Pilates studios are always excellent year-round, but what about when the weather is too nice outside to not take […]