Articles in the ‘Mental Training’ Category

Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the past few years (not one made of salt!), you have most likely heard of Himalayan salt cave therapy. Wilmington is actually home to two salt caves at the moment and likely more in the future as salt therapy, or halotherapy, continues to rise in popularity at […]

Raise your hand if you are guilty of uttering either of these phrases: “I’m going on NO sleep! It’s ok; I’ll just make up for it this weekend” or “I’m so exhausted I’ll just grab my third cup of coffee and be fine.” Believe it or not, lack of sleep is one of the most […]

Solo Physical Fitness: Staying Active During Quarantine
When 2020 first began and New Year’s resolutions included gym memberships, cycling classes and CrossFit, personal training sessions and barre classes, we had NO way of knowing how drastically our lives would change in just a few short months. Who would have guessed the luxury of working out in groups would suddenly be impossible? Fortunately, […]

Stop! It’s Time to Take a Deep Breath
With uncontrollable wildfires in Australia, followed by a global pandemic, a staggering economy and an unpredictable political climate in the midst of an election year, it’s safe to say 2020 has gotten off to an unusual start. As we maneuver through the landmines that life inevitably tosses along our path, one of the most important […]

The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep
It’s safe to say that most of know the importance of getting a full 8 hours of sleep each night, but so many of us don’t make this a priority. After a jam-packed day of work and extracurricular activities, caffeinated energy drinks, staring at our electronic devices for countless hours and then attempted to fall […]

Habits are very powerful things. We see the dominance these routines have in almost every aspect of our lives. Anytime we go about a task on autopilot, we are practicing a habit. Growing up, many habits are helpful, such as when parents makes their children brush their teeth every night before going to bed. It […]

We all fall into ruts and sometimes those ruts can last much longer than we ever hoped or intended. As disappointing as falling into a rut might be, the good news about health and fitness is that it’s never to late to make a change. Each day is a new opportunity to change the direction […]

Nutrition & Personal Training in Wilmington
Most of the time when we talk about goals, we think or write down the things we will be doing to get what we one day want or desire. For example, it’s common for someone to say “I will eat better.” It is stated as something that is going to be a change from where […]