Posts Tagged ‘health’
Stability training for the lower body. Great exercise to use to help strengthen the Glute Medius and Hip Abductor muscles.
Working out with a friend is always more enjoyable.
Seated rope lat pulldowns
Working on the core. Taking a plank and adding some difficulty to it.

Feeling Free! Strength Training with Free Weights
If someone were to tell you that one type of exercise could benefit your heart, improve your balance, strengthen your bones, build muscle, and help you lose weight, wouldn’t you want to get started immediately? Of course you would! The exercise we are talking about of course is strength training. According to the American Heart […]

Intermittent Fasting with the 5:2 Diet Plan
Since the Middle Ages, fasting has been revered as a distinguished tradition (both religiously and culturally), bringing physical and spiritual renewal. More recently, it has become one of the trendiest Hollywood diets, taking even the fitness community by storm. Intermittent Fasting (IF) involves alternating segments of extreme calorie reduction with periods of normal eating. It […]

The Importance of Drinking Enough Water
Drink more water! You’ve most likely heard it a million times that adults should be drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to maintain proper hydration. You’ve probably read up on infusing water with fruit (which has the added bonus of great flavor, vitamins and nutrients), pinned Pinterest recipes, and even purchased […]

Do I Really Need a Gallon of Water a Day?
As surprising as it may seem, one of the hottest trends with celebs this summer has not been a designer handbag or any other unattainable luxury item. No, the one thing celebs, influencers–and those of us in the fitness world–can’t seem to get enough of is the gigantic water bottle. You’ve most likely seen the […]

Some days you have an extra hour in your schedule to wholeheartedly devote to working out. You can run an extra mile on the treadmill or pay closer attention to targeting your problem areas while lifting weights. Other days, you literally don’t have time to sit down and eat a proper meal, much less have […]

It’s summertime in Wilmington. Temps have been in the 80s since late May and extremely cropped tops, tight bodysuits and cheeky bikini bottoms are EVERYWHERE! If you aren’t working with a perfect beach body (which most people aren’t) the most problematic area of the body is about to be on full display in the summer […]

Raise your hand if you are guilty of uttering either of these phrases: “I’m going on NO sleep! It’s ok; I’ll just make up for it this weekend” or “I’m so exhausted I’ll just grab my third cup of coffee and be fine.” Believe it or not, lack of sleep is one of the most […]

The Many Health Benefits of Drinking Kombucha
Your outward appearance is a great indicator of how your daily fitness routine (or lack thereof) and diet are impacting your whole-body health. But what about your internal systems–the ones that you can’t easily see on a daily basis? We’re talking about digestion. A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep, and […]

Adding Medjool Dates to Your Diet
It’s no secret that the super healthy Mediterranean diet seems to reign supreme, packed full of nutrient-dense foods like fruit, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish and olive oil. One of the sweeter components of a Mediterranean diet is the Medjool date. No, we’re not talking about the weird little mystery fruit morsels you would […]

Can You Get Fit Just From Walking?
This time last year, while in the midst of COVID lockdown, many of us sought new and creative ways to stay fit. Whether working out from a home gym or just by simply taking the daily “coronavirus walk,” the one goal was to just keep moving ahead. And as steps started to add up each […]