Posts Tagged ‘HIIT training’

Simple Exercises to Help You Lose Belly Fat
For some of us, the fall and winter months are a welcomed time of year, where we can layer up clothing and completely ignore what is going on beneath. Didn’t achieve the flat stomach you wanted over the summer? No problem–just cover it up with a sweater! Although there is some truth to that, we […]

Some people find the gym a bit overwhelming and more than once we’ve all seen people stare a machine and scratch their heads trying to figure out exactly how it works and what it does. Other times some people may find themselves using the traditional equipment, such as a bench press, or dumbbells, and not […]

Group HIIT Training in Wilmington NC
The Transformative Power of HIIT Training In recent years high intensity interval training, or HIIT, has been growing in popularity as the exercise routine of choice for those looking to maximize their efforts in the gym. While the name may make you think of any number of exercises that make you sweat and get your […]

In a never-ending sea of sophisticated gym equipment, smart bikes and computerized home workout options, there’s one thing we tend to overlook: the transformative power of a good old-fashioned high- intensity interval training cardio workout (HIIT). If you have yet to try it for yourself, now is the time! They are fast, efficient, get your […]

Behind the Filter: The Truth About Cellulite
It’s one of the scariest and most dreaded words for women everywhere, no matter age, race or weight. It’s also one of main reasons that cosmetic procedures like liposuction, laser treatment and body sculpting were even created. And the reason we love to use those special filters when taking bikini-clad photos at the beach? It […]

Round and Round We Go! Circuit Training 101
If you’ve participated in a group exercise class at any gym in the past 5 years, it’s possible you did some type of circuit training. Circuit training is when you cycle through a series of different exercises (anywhere from 5 to 10) that strategically work different muscle groups, with no break in between. Sound fun? […]

It’s summertime in Wilmington. Temps have been in the 80s since late May and extremely cropped tops, tight bodysuits and cheeky bikini bottoms are EVERYWHERE! If you aren’t working with a perfect beach body (which most people aren’t) the most problematic area of the body is about to be on full display in the summer […]

The Truth About Tabata Training
We’ve talked a lot recently about high-intensity interval training (or HIIT), an incredibly effective way of burning fat and building muscle in a short amount of time. One of the most popular forms of HIIT is Tabata, a 4-minute workout routine where you perform eight rounds of a specific activity as hard and fast as […]

Holiday Weight Be Gone! Fast Ways to Burn off the Calories
By now, the Christmas tree has been tossed to the curb, decorations are packed and back in the attic for another year, and even the last of the Christmas cookies has been polished off. What is the one thing from the holidays that is still sticking around? For some of us, it’s the additional body […]