Posts Tagged ‘diet’
What’s the Deal with Detoxing?
When you think of “detoxing,” what comes to mind? A body filled with dangerous toxins that can only be released through a specific diet or pricey supplement? The good news is, your body is already equipped with a highly-efficient detoxification system, thanks to the kidneys, liver, digestive system and lungs. Detox diets don’t do much […]
Boosting Your Immune System During Times of Stress
For the past 5 months, on a global scale, we have all experienced quarantine to some extent, have feared for the health of ourselves and older loved ones, and have nervously watched as positive COVID-19 cases continue to skyrocket. Words like “social distancing” and “PPE” are now a part of normal conversation, and wearing a […]
Belly bloat and discomfort: it’s something we all deal with from time to time. Whether you have just finished a giant Thanksgiving dinner, are experiencing your monthly cycle or have an underlying medical condition, many of the symptoms can be managed with simple exercises. Why is this happening? First things first, why is this happening […]
Diet + Ab Workout = Ready for Swimsuit Season!
I’m sorry to say it, but you can’t get amazing abs just by altering your diet. And you can’t achieve a perfectly sculpted midsection by spending hours in the gym doing crunches, planks and cardio, only to follow it up with two cheeseburgers and a pizza. It’s true; great abs can be achieved in time […]
On a daily basis you can look in the mirror, step on the scales or take note of how your clothes fit and receive a clue as to what is going on with your body. Are your pants looser than usual? Have you noticed the scale going down since you began cutting calories? Your outward […]
The Wonderful World of Infused Water
We’ve all been told we need 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy and hydrated. And while there are varying opinions on how much water you should actually be drinking every day, experts generally do recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. Staying properly hydrated is essential for kidney function, healthy skin, lubricated joints, regulating body […]
Making Healthier Dietary Choices During Times of Stress
We’ve all been there. Life can be so stressful sometimes the only thing that helps you feel normal and sane is a cheesy slice of pizza, an ooey-gooey chocolaty brownie or a bag of salty chips. Reaching for foods that are high in salt, sugar or saturated fat is pretty common when the body is […]
Whether Rainbow or Buddha, These Bowls are Brimming with Flavor
It’s no surprise why food bloggers and fitness experts have been going gaga for Buddha bowls and rainbow bowls for the past several years. These highly Instagrammable dishes overflowing with vibrant roasted vegetables and hearty whole grains provide so much more than just a great photo opp. With a huge variety of colors, flavors and […]
Every spring we see magazines, TV, and social media talking about stars and influencers alike, all preparing for their summer bodies. Around the same time we start to think of ways in which we can tone up, become more firm, and get ready for that time of year when bikinis and board-shorts reign supreme. A […]
The short answer is yes. As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and nowhere is that more true than when it comes to your diet throughout the week. Preparing all your meals for the week ahead will ensure you stay on track and meet your calorie and macro goals […]
Diet is Not a Diet, Diet is a Lifestyle
There is no spoon. More and more fast food restaurants, junk food companies, and soda manufactures seem to be embracing the “healthy option” movement across the country. A decent salad or low-calorie snack can be found at most burger joints and vending machines nowadays, but despite these helpful options, many people still struggle to eat […]