Posts Tagged ‘nutrition’
If you’ve been tossing around the idea of starting a garden this spring to promote healthier eating habits, there’s one vegetable you really need to consider growing: the mighty bell pepper. Easy to grow (even in a container if you live in an apt), bell peppers have a lot going for them nutritionally. They are […]
Several years ago, specialty shops and health food stores started cranking out the most beautiful, Instagramable fruit and granola-filled concoctions. Enter: the acai bowl. Acai bowls are generally comprised of pulped (and flash-frozen) acai berries that have been blended with other berries, banana and coconut water. Then they are topped with a variety of fruit […]
Bone broth, as trendy as it may seem at the moment, has actually been around since the dawning of the ages. For centuries it has been revered as one of the most comforting and healing culinary concoctions in practically every culture across the globe. So what gives? Why do celebrities like Kylie Jenner and Gwyneth […]
In our never-ending quest to eat healthier, nutrient-dense foods and be intentional about eating more green vegetables each day, the latest trending superfood for 2021 is here and it’s not what you might expect. It’s kelp! Yes, we have seen seaweed in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cuisine for thousands and thousands of years, and here […]
Fight the Flame! The Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
You’ve noticed that something is off. Your energy is lower than normal, you have a hard to sleeping every night and your appetite is pretty much non-existent. With symptoms so vague, it may be hard to put your finger on the problem. First and foremost, consult your physician anytime you are experiencing significant changes in […]
This time of year you will notice that grocery stores and farmers markets here in North Carolina are packed with local root vegetables, pomegranates, sweet potatoes and that popular holiday staple: roasted Brussels sprouts. If the thought of trying another Brussels sprout gives you nightmarish flashbacks to childhood when you were forced to choke them […]
Drinking from the Fountain of Youth
One of the most heavily debated topics among personal trainers, nutritionists and beauty experts is the use of supplemental powders. Do I really need protein powder before an intense workout? Is this grassy, green powder I’m gulping down going to actually make me healthier? And the ever-popular, Will this collagen powder make me look younger? […]
It’s virtually impossible to scroll through social media these days and not see a celebrity or blogger endorsing the seemingly life-changing drink, celery juice. From Gwyneth Paltrow to Kim Kardashian, everyone seems to be singing the praises of this single-ingredient early morning beverage. So what’s the deal? “Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine […]
Great exercise for a warm up or for anyone wanting glute and hip work!
Packing More Protein into Your Mornings
We’ve all been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Routinely eating breakfast each morning has been associated with maintaining a healthy weight; increasing satiety hormones that help you feel full and curb cravings as well as provide energy. And for those of you lifting weights as part of your fitness […]
Working on the box for a different style of push up. This is a real challenging body weight exercise.
The Wonderful World of Infused Water
We’ve all been told we need 8 glasses of water a day to stay healthy and hydrated. And while there are varying opinions on how much water you should actually be drinking every day, experts generally do recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. Staying properly hydrated is essential for kidney function, healthy skin, lubricated joints, regulating body […]
As an avid beach-lover and health enthusiast, what is the one thing that truly concerns me regarding long summer days spent in Wrightsville Beach? The sun! And more specifically, the harmful damage it’s wreaking on my otherwise healthy skin. Periodically slathering myself down with a high SPF is key, but what else can I be […]
Nutritional Planning Coach in Wilmington NC
Meal plans come in a wide variety of options and sometimes the abundance of choice can leave us feeling unsure which works best for our particular needs. There is no one size fits all approach and you may even find that a combination of plans could be optimal for you and your situation. Speaking to […]
Every spring we see magazines, TV, and social media talking about stars and influencers alike, all preparing for their summer bodies. Around the same time we start to think of ways in which we can tone up, become more firm, and get ready for that time of year when bikinis and board-shorts reign supreme. A […]
Deciding what to eat while being health conscious can be tough. Everyone has different goals when it comes to personal fitness and study after study shows that what we eat is at least as important as whether or not we exercise. So whether you are looking to increase muscle mass, tone up, or just eat […]