Articles in the ‘Balanced Training’ Category

Simple Exercises to Help You Lose Belly Fat
For some of us, the fall and winter months are a welcomed time of year, where we can layer up clothing and completely ignore what is going on beneath. Didn’t achieve the flat stomach you wanted over the summer? No problem–just cover it up with a sweater! Although there is some truth to that, we […]

You’ve seen them in the gym for years, but if you’ve never stopped to grab those giant ropes and see what you’re made of, now is the time to add this workout to your routine. Not only does it look impressive, but it’s an incredibly effective full body workout. It helps increase core strength, provides […]

Round and Round We Go! Circuit Training 101
If you’ve participated in a group exercise class at any gym in the past 5 years, it’s possible you did some type of circuit training. Circuit training is when you cycle through a series of different exercises (anywhere from 5 to 10) that strategically work different muscle groups, with no break in between. Sound fun? […]

Setting Achievable Fitness Goals: Running Two Miles a Day
If the last time you purposely ran laps was in high school gym class, or if you make the joke, “I only run when I’m being chased!” then it’s fair to say you’ve never thought twice about running as part of your fitness routine. But before you roll your eyes, consider this: running a short […]

4 Ways to Keep Your Colon Healthy
Of all the health-related topics we address in the fitness industry, colorectal health is one of the most uncomfortable issues to address. Until the tragic and untimely passing of actor Chadwick Boseman due to colon cancer, many of us had never even given this type of cancer a second thought. Isn’t this a type of […]

One of the most commonly asked questions from our clients is, “Why am I not losing weight if I’m doing everything right?” For some people, losing weight is just effortless. It’s annoying, but a few tweaks to the diet and a regular jog on the treadmill can be enough to significantly tip the scale for […]

It’s no secret that we all struggle with different problem areas, those areas on the body where stubborn fat seems to accumulate (thighs, waist, neck, back, etc.). Where we store body fat can vary depending on age, sex, hormone levels, genetics and lifestyle. Getting rid of that stubborn fat on any part of the body […]

The Truth About Tabata Training
We’ve talked a lot recently about high-intensity interval training (or HIIT), an incredibly effective way of burning fat and building muscle in a short amount of time. One of the most popular forms of HIIT is Tabata, a 4-minute workout routine where you perform eight rounds of a specific activity as hard and fast as […]

It’s Getting Hot in Here! The Benefits of Hot Yoga
If you’ve lived through a hot and sticky mid-July day in coastal Carolina, you are more than familiar with intense heat. With temps soaring into the high 90s last summer (and heat indexes in the triple digits) we all sought ways to cool off: a quick dip in the ocean, relaxing on a pool float […]

Staying Active in the Great Outdoors
In the midst of spring in a coastal town like Wilmington, we are never short on outdoor activities, making it easy to focus on physical fitness. Indoor exercise facilities like gyms and Pilates studios are always an excellent year-round option since they aren’t weather dependent, but what about when the weather is too nice outside […]

We’ve all heard it before: a great way to measure physical activity is to make sure you are getting in at least 10,000 steps a day. Unless you have a job that requires constant activity (like a postal worker, waitress or personal trainer) you have to be more intentional about walking or jogging to achieve […]

When people have success with a diet or exercise routine, the question almost always comes up as to whether or not they will “keep it off.” This is an understandable question because many short term fixes and exercise shortcuts do not last. Personal trainers, however, are not a quick fix, or some miracle cure. Trainers […]

In the gym, success can mean many different things to many different people. For those recovering from injuries or surgeries, success can mean working out in a safe manner with a full range of motion. For those starting from scratch, it can mean establishing a regular routine that will yield results over time. For those […]

So often when it comes to gym culture there are people who brag about spending upwards of three to four hours in the gym at a time, multiple times a week. Guess what? You don’t even have to spend a full hour in the gym to get a seriously effective workout. The implication that endless […]

How to Avoid Feeling Stuck in Your Workout Routine
Do you find yourself not wanting to go to the gym? Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall in current workouts or as though you have plateaued? It is more common than you might imagine and despite what you may be thinking, the problem is not that you don’t want it bad enough. Often […]