Posts Tagged ‘family health’

Behind the Filter: The Truth About Cellulite
It’s one of the scariest and most dreaded words for women everywhere, no matter age, race or weight. It’s also one of main reasons that cosmetic procedures like liposuction, laser treatment and body sculpting were even created. And the reason we love to use those special filters when taking bikini-clad photos at the beach? It […]

Adding Medjool Dates to Your Diet
It’s no secret that the super healthy Mediterranean diet seems to reign supreme, packed full of nutrient-dense foods like fruit, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish and olive oil. One of the sweeter components of a Mediterranean diet is the Medjool date. No, we’re not talking about the weird little mystery fruit morsels you would […]

If you’ve been tossing around the idea of starting a garden this spring to promote healthier eating habits, there’s one vegetable you really need to consider growing: the mighty bell pepper. Easy to grow (even in a container if you live in an apt), bell peppers have a lot going for them nutritionally. They are […]

In our never-ending quest to eat healthier, nutrient-dense foods and be intentional about eating more green vegetables each day, the latest trending superfood for 2021 is here and it’s not what you might expect. It’s kelp! Yes, we have seen seaweed in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cuisine for thousands and thousands of years, and here […]

It’s Time for a Post-Holiday Reboot
After months of quarantining, stress eating, snacking on banana bread and feeding our sourdough starters—not to mention the typical holiday feasts, pies and Christmas cookies—it’s fair to say our diets could all use a little tweaking now that the new year has begun. Although we believe the body does an excellent job of detoxification on […]

Staying Fit During the Holidays
‘Tis the season! If you’re anything like me, as soon as the Christmas decorations start popping up around town, and Black Friday ads start creeping into your inbox, it’s impossible to focus on anything other than the holidays. And why would you want to? The most glorious, decadent, calorie-packed food (bring on the stuffing, pumpkin […]

Fight the Flame! The Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet
You’ve noticed that something is off. Your energy is lower than normal, you have a hard to sleeping every night and your appetite is pretty much non-existent. With symptoms so vague, it may be hard to put your finger on the problem. First and foremost, consult your physician anytime you are experiencing significant changes in […]

This time of year you will notice that grocery stores and farmers markets here in North Carolina are packed with local root vegetables, pomegranates, sweet potatoes and that popular holiday staple: roasted Brussels sprouts. If the thought of trying another Brussels sprout gives you nightmarish flashbacks to childhood when you were forced to choke them […]

When I was growing up, I can recall watching my parents begrudgingly stir up and gulp down the murky sludge called Metamucil, all for the greater good of increasing their fiber intake. “NEVER will I do that!!”I thought to myself. “What is wrong with them?” Fast-forward 30 years, and here I am, starting to wonder […]

It’s virtually impossible to scroll through social media these days and not see a celebrity or blogger endorsing the seemingly life-changing drink, celery juice. From Gwyneth Paltrow to Kim Kardashian, everyone seems to be singing the praises of this single-ingredient early morning beverage. So what’s the deal? “Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine […]

Happy Feet: How Great Footwear Can Affect Your Health
Flip flops for $2? Stylish fall boots for $29.99 plus free shipping? Who can resist? Ladies, we can all agree that it’s virtually impossible to avoid targeted social media ads bombarding us with cheap deals on trendy—but poorly made—footwear. As fast fashion continues to rise (and unemployment is still higher than it should be) it’s […]

Packing More Protein into Your Mornings
We’ve all been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Routinely eating breakfast each morning has been associated with maintaining a healthy weight; increasing satiety hormones that help you feel full and curb cravings as well as provide energy. And for those of you lifting weights as part of your fitness […]

Why Swimming is the Perfect Summer Activity
It’s true. Summertime in the Wilmington area is pretty synonymous with one thing: swimming! When temps soar into the high 90s (and feel like triple digits) the only thing that sounds appealing about being outdoors is to completely submerge in cool water. Whether you prefer the ocean, lake or swimming pool, do yourself a favor […]

Summertime Exercise with the Kids
Oh, the midsummer slump! For the first time ever, kids have been home from school since March (due to COVID-19) and most likely are either restless or completely bored. Summer break can be a much-needed change of pace for most, but for others it can become boring and an excuse to laze around the house […]

Boosting Your Immune System During Times of Stress
For the past 5 months, on a global scale, we have all experienced quarantine to some extent, have feared for the health of ourselves and older loved ones, and have nervously watched as positive COVID-19 cases continue to skyrocket. Words like “social distancing” and “PPE” are now a part of normal conversation, and wearing a […]

As an avid beach-lover and health enthusiast, what is the one thing that truly concerns me regarding long summer days spent in Wrightsville Beach? The sun! And more specifically, the harmful damage it’s wreaking on my otherwise healthy skin. Periodically slathering myself down with a high SPF is key, but what else can I be […]

Returning to the Gym Post Pregnancy
The time right after giving birth can be delicate for many reasons. New mothers not only share in the juggling of needs of the family’s latest arrival, but also must adjust to the ways in which their bodies will recuperate and change postpartum. Baby Steps Just as each new baby will learn to walk step […]