Posts Tagged ‘fitness goals’

Between remote learning, alternating schools days, less time with friends due to social distancing, and busy schedules of the fall, it’s easy for physical fitness to fall through the cracks. But it’s essential to remember that some kind of daily, physical activity greatly improves their mood, sleep and their health. Make sure your kids are […]

Fall is here and school is in session! However, for the first time ever, students in New Hanover County are not in school (with except of private school) and practically everyone is adjusting to the new norm of remote learning. While we are all doing our best to make the most of current circumstances, the […]

The past few months have really been a doozy for some of us when it comes to keeping up a normal fitness routine. (What does normal even mean these days?) Between juggling remote learning for school kids, constant readjustments in work and recreation to account for COVID-19 compliance and then the stress of it all, […]

Joining the Resistance Band Bandwagon
Over the past few months, many people experienced a dramatic change in their typical fitness routine, due to gym closings in Wilmington in response to COVID-19. As more people worked out from home in their garages, personal gyms (or on the living room floor!) one thing became apparent. Handheld weights, yoga balls and resistance bands […]

Midyear = Time to Reassess New Year’s Fitness Goals
Ahhhh yes! When the clock struck midnight into a fresh new year, and we looked at 2020 with child-like optimism and anticipation, many of us thought, “This is the year I will lose 20 pounds!” or maybe “This is the year I run my first marathon!” Well, 2020 may have thrown us a handful of […]
Slam Ball Slams for Time.

Summertime Exercise with the Kids
Oh, the midsummer slump! For the first time ever, kids have been home from school since March (due to COVID-19) and most likely are either restless or completely bored. Summer break can be a much-needed change of pace for most, but for others it can become boring and an excuse to laze around the house […]

Belly bloat and discomfort: it’s something we all deal with from time to time. Whether you have just finished a giant Thanksgiving dinner, are experiencing your monthly cycle or have an underlying medical condition, many of the symptoms can be managed with simple exercises. Why is this happening? First things first, why is this happening […]

Diet + Ab Workout = Ready for Swimsuit Season!
I’m sorry to say it, but you can’t get amazing abs just by altering your diet. And you can’t achieve a perfectly sculpted midsection by spending hours in the gym doing crunches, planks and cardio, only to follow it up with two cheeseburgers and a pizza. It’s true; great abs can be achieved in time […]

It’s Getting Hot in Here! The Benefits of Hot Yoga
If you’ve lived through a hot and sticky mid-July day in coastal Carolina, you are more than familiar with intense heat. With temps soaring into the high 90s last summer (and heat indexes in the triple digits) we all sought ways to cool off: a quick dip in the ocean, relaxing on a pool float […]

OK Boomer, This Fitness Program is for You!
With around 73 million people in the US today in the Baby Boomer generation, it’s fair to say a significant amount of healthcare and fitness attention should be paid to this older population. It’s essential to start developing a safe fitness routine in order to maintain muscle mass, bone density and independence. Of course, before […]

Bye, Flabby Arms! How to Tone for the Summer
As temps continue to rise and long sleeves are exchanged for tank tops and spaghetti straps, it’s common for physical insecurities to surface. We’ve all been there! Problem areas are easy to cover up (and basically ignore) in the cooler months, but there’s something about swimsuit season that has most of us in panic mode. […]

Staying Active in the Great Outdoors
In the midst of spring in a coastal town like Wilmington, we are never short on outdoor activities, making it easy to focus on physical fitness. Indoor exercise facilities like gyms and Pilates studios are always an excellent year-round option since they aren’t weather dependent, but what about when the weather is too nice outside […]

Eight hours a day, 5 days a week, you hunch over your keyboard and stare at a glowing computer screen, taking minimum breaks for coffee or lunch but let’s face it. You are ultimately tethered to your computer, and your body was never intended for this sedentary lifestyle. If you are in the 86th percentile […]

The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep
It’s safe to say that most of know the importance of getting a full 8 hours of sleep each night, but so many of us don’t make this a priority. After a jam-packed day of work and extracurricular activities, caffeinated energy drinks, staring at our electronic devices for countless hours and then attempted to fall […]

We’ve all heard it before: a great way to measure physical activity is to make sure you are getting in at least 10,000 steps a day. Unless you have a job that requires constant activity (like a postal worker, waitress or personal trainer) you have to be more intentional about walking or jogging to achieve […]

How A Personal Trainer Can Keep You On Track
Consistent effort over time. Transforming yourself into who you want to be will not be done overnight. It won’t be quick, but nothing worthwhile ever is. So what gets you through the slumps, through the low points when you want to quit and give up because it feels like you are just spinning your wheels? […]