Articles in the ‘Diet Is What We Eat’ Category

Small and Mighty: Why Microgreens are Having a Moment
With famers markets and craft fairs taking over Wilmington almost every weekend throughout the fall, there’s one health food that’s notably present at all of them. We’re talking microgreens, a tiny, delicate plant that is jam-packed with vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes. This trendy food has been sneaking its way into soups, sandwiches, salads and smoothies […]

Feeling the Flax: Adding Flaxseed to Your Diet
For the past decade it’s been almost impossible to avoid hearing about flaxseed. You’ve probably seen it mixed in with good-quality granola, as a topping for fruit or added into a smoothie. So what’s the deal with flaxseed? How can something so tiny be so jam-packed with nutrients? Flaxseed, which has been used for its […]

Practical Ways to Keep Your Immune System in Top Shape
The one thing that has been on the forefront of all of our minds for the past year and a half is health. If you haven’t been stressing over COVID 24/7 then you’ve most certainly felt the effects of it with mask mandates, unemployment, struggling businesses and the constant barrage of information from the media […]

The Importance of Maintaining a Heart-Healthy Diet
The truth is, when you’re a teenager you feel like you’re going to live forever. In your 20s and 30s, life is oftentimes focused on starting a career, falling in love and starting a family. But by the time you reach middle age something happens. You realize that you aren’t invincible and health and longevity […]

Kick Start Your Day with a Healthy Breakfast
There’s no real denying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It allows you to break your fast following 8 hours of sleep, which helps your body replenish glucose. This helps to boost your energy levels and while also providing other nutrients required for good health. It also jumpstarts your metabolism, helping […]

Do I Really Need a Gallon of Water a Day?
As surprising as it may seem, one of the hottest trends with celebs this summer has not been a designer handbag or any other unattainable luxury item. No, the one thing celebs, influencers–and those of us in the fitness world–can’t seem to get enough of is the gigantic water bottle. You’ve most likely seen the […]

The Surprising Health Benefits of the Mighty Peach
You can’t turn on the radio right now without hearing Justin Bieber sing about it and if you’re from the state of Georgia, you know the significance of it. And where are my ‘90s kids? Even the Presidents of the United States of America devoted an entire song to it back in the day. We’re […]

3 Surefire Ways to Improve Your Cholesterol
You’ve just gotten blood work results back and—to your surprise—your cholesterol level is abnormally high. How could this be? You’re relatively active and eat somewhat healthy, so what gives? Cholesterol is a naturally occurring waxy substance that the body uses to build cells and make vitamins and substances that help you digest food. Fundamentally, there […]

The Many Health Benefits of Drinking Kombucha
Your outward appearance is a great indicator of how your daily fitness routine (or lack thereof) and diet are impacting your whole-body health. But what about your internal systems–the ones that you can’t easily see on a daily basis? We’re talking about digestion. A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep, and […]

Should I Switch to a Plant-Based Diet?
It’s hard to open a magazine, click on a food blog or even turn on the TV these days and not hear something pertaining to the importance of a plant-based diet. To be clear, a plant-based diet focuses on eating minimally processed fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. If you’re a meat lover, don’t freak […]

Adding Medjool Dates to Your Diet
It’s no secret that the super healthy Mediterranean diet seems to reign supreme, packed full of nutrient-dense foods like fruit, nuts, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish and olive oil. One of the sweeter components of a Mediterranean diet is the Medjool date. No, we’re not talking about the weird little mystery fruit morsels you would […]

If you’ve been tossing around the idea of starting a garden this spring to promote healthier eating habits, there’s one vegetable you really need to consider growing: the mighty bell pepper. Easy to grow (even in a container if you live in an apt), bell peppers have a lot going for them nutritionally. They are […]

Healthy Beachside Snacks You Actually Want to Eat
It may only be spring, but with the temps reaching the mid-80s lately, it’s a no surprise that most Wilmingtonians are already hitting up the beach. Whether you’re on a boat headed to Masonboro with a group of friends, or spending a leisurely afternoon with your kids in Carolina Beach, make sure your cooler is […]

Several years ago, specialty shops and health food stores started cranking out the most beautiful, Instagramable fruit and granola-filled concoctions. Enter: the acai bowl. Acai bowls are generally comprised of pulped (and flash-frozen) acai berries that have been blended with other berries, banana and coconut water. Then they are topped with a variety of fruit […]

Bone broth, as trendy as it may seem at the moment, has actually been around since the dawning of the ages. For centuries it has been revered as one of the most comforting and healing culinary concoctions in practically every culture across the globe. So what gives? Why do celebrities like Kylie Jenner and Gwyneth […]

Alcohol-Free and Made From Vegetables? The Rise of the Healthy-ish Cocktail
One of the number one questions we are asked by clients trying to lose weight or those on a strict bodybuilding regime is, “Do I need to completely give up drinking in order to see results?” The harsh reality is that alcohol is a contributor to belly fat (not to mention a slew of other […]

Why You Should Be Eating More Pumpkin
Although pumpkin spice latte season is O-V-E-R, we aren’t ready to give up on this favorite fall gourd just yet. In fact, we think it should be pumpkin season all year long! Incredibly versatile, packed with an impressive amount of vitamins—perfect for boosting immunity and fighting chronic diseases—pumpkins can also help your eye and skin […]

It’s Time for a Post-Holiday Reboot
After months of quarantining, stress eating, snacking on banana bread and feeding our sourdough starters—not to mention the typical holiday feasts, pies and Christmas cookies—it’s fair to say our diets could all use a little tweaking now that the new year has begun. Although we believe the body does an excellent job of detoxification on […]

If you find yourself ping ponging from one fad diet to the next, this plant-based trend just may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Flexitarianism (often called semi-vegetarian) is really the best of both worlds. You can enjoy the health benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle while still enjoying animal products in moderation. Just like […]

Staying Fit During the Holidays
‘Tis the season! If you’re anything like me, as soon as the Christmas decorations start popping up around town, and Black Friday ads start creeping into your inbox, it’s impossible to focus on anything other than the holidays. And why would you want to? The most glorious, decadent, calorie-packed food (bring on the stuffing, pumpkin […]