Posts Tagged ‘long term health’

It’s Time for a Post-Holiday Reboot
After months of quarantining, stress eating, snacking on banana bread and feeding our sourdough starters—not to mention the typical holiday feasts, pies and Christmas cookies—it’s fair to say our diets could all use a little tweaking now that the new year has begun. Although we believe the body does an excellent job of detoxification on […]

If you find yourself ping ponging from one fad diet to the next, this plant-based trend just may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Flexitarianism (often called semi-vegetarian) is really the best of both worlds. You can enjoy the health benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle while still enjoying animal products in moderation. Just like […]

This time of year you will notice that grocery stores and farmers markets here in North Carolina are packed with local root vegetables, pomegranates, sweet potatoes and that popular holiday staple: roasted Brussels sprouts. If the thought of trying another Brussels sprout gives you nightmarish flashbacks to childhood when you were forced to choke them […]

Drinking from the Fountain of Youth
One of the most heavily debated topics among personal trainers, nutritionists and beauty experts is the use of supplemental powders. Do I really need protein powder before an intense workout? Is this grassy, green powder I’m gulping down going to actually make me healthier? And the ever-popular, Will this collagen powder make me look younger? […]

It’s virtually impossible to scroll through social media these days and not see a celebrity or blogger endorsing the seemingly life-changing drink, celery juice. From Gwyneth Paltrow to Kim Kardashian, everyone seems to be singing the praises of this single-ingredient early morning beverage. So what’s the deal? “Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine […]

How to Self-Motivate When You’re Just too Lazy to Exercise
I’ll be the first to admit it. I’ve gone through seasons in my life where I just “didn’t feel” like exercising. I can distinctly remember periods where I just didn’t care enough to get my butt in gear and put in the work it takes to truly see change. In Wilmington, we generally have enough […]

Change Your Eating Pattern, Change Your Life
Every few months, Americans are bombarded with a new fad diet. Although each new diet plan may contain helpful tips (less red meat, less carbs, no sugar, etc.), it’s not necessary to jump onboard each bandwagon if you simply tweak your current eating pattern. An excellent model of a healthy dietary routine is the Mediterranean […]

It’s Not Easy Being Green: The Truth Behind Superfood Powders
A totally chaotic spring and summer filled with stress eating, banana bread binging and too many cocktails with empty calories may some of us desperately reaching for additional nutrition. Can I hurry up and get back on track with green superfood powders? Can I cancel out the junk food from quarantine with the addition of […]

Life is all about habit. The number one reason so many diets fail is because no matter how good your will power, unhealthy habits have a tendency to come creeping back. You’re on a roll with green smoothies and no carbs until work gets stressful, or your relationship is in a funk or your hormones […]

What’s the Deal with Detoxing?
When you think of “detoxing,” what comes to mind? A body filled with dangerous toxins that can only be released through a specific diet or pricey supplement? The good news is, your body is already equipped with a highly-efficient detoxification system, thanks to the kidneys, liver, digestive system and lungs. Detox diets don’t do much […]

Why Swimming is the Perfect Summer Activity
It’s true. Summertime in the Wilmington area is pretty synonymous with one thing: swimming! When temps soar into the high 90s (and feel like triple digits) the only thing that sounds appealing about being outdoors is to completely submerge in cool water. Whether you prefer the ocean, lake or swimming pool, do yourself a favor […]

Boosting Your Immune System During Times of Stress
For the past 5 months, on a global scale, we have all experienced quarantine to some extent, have feared for the health of ourselves and older loved ones, and have nervously watched as positive COVID-19 cases continue to skyrocket. Words like “social distancing” and “PPE” are now a part of normal conversation, and wearing a […]

On a daily basis you can look in the mirror, step on the scales or take note of how your clothes fit and receive a clue as to what is going on with your body. Are your pants looser than usual? Have you noticed the scale going down since you began cutting calories? Your outward […]

As an avid beach-lover and health enthusiast, what is the one thing that truly concerns me regarding long summer days spent in Wrightsville Beach? The sun! And more specifically, the harmful damage it’s wreaking on my otherwise healthy skin. Periodically slathering myself down with a high SPF is key, but what else can I be […]

Making Healthier Dietary Choices During Times of Stress
We’ve all been there. Life can be so stressful sometimes the only thing that helps you feel normal and sane is a cheesy slice of pizza, an ooey-gooey chocolaty brownie or a bag of salty chips. Reaching for foods that are high in salt, sugar or saturated fat is pretty common when the body is […]

Every morning you have a choice. The alarm goes off; you putter into the kitchen to start making coffee and then your stomach growls. Are you reaching for a bowl of sugary cereal, a bagel smothered in cream cheese or a fast-food breakfast sandwich on the way into the office? Although none of the options […]

The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep
It’s safe to say that most of know the importance of getting a full 8 hours of sleep each night, but so many of us don’t make this a priority. After a jam-packed day of work and extracurricular activities, caffeinated energy drinks, staring at our electronic devices for countless hours and then attempted to fall […]

Trust me, no one wants a turtleneck! And no, we’re not talking clothing; we’re talking poor posture that results from sitting at a computer monitor too long—otherwise known as the forward head tilt, or turtleneck. This humpback posture can eventually lead to a painful shortening of the muscles of the back of the neck, as […]

Nutrition & Personal Training in Wilmington
Most of the time when we talk about goals, we think or write down the things we will be doing to get what we one day want or desire. For example, it’s common for someone to say “I will eat better.” It is stated as something that is going to be a change from where […]

When people have success with a diet or exercise routine, the question almost always comes up as to whether or not they will “keep it off.” This is an understandable question because many short term fixes and exercise shortcuts do not last. Personal trainers, however, are not a quick fix, or some miracle cure. Trainers […]